Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my child needs Occupational Therapy?
When you feel like something just isn’t quite right…
When your child avoids certain types of activities…
When your child isn’t doing what other peers his/her age are doing…
When your child takes a long time or doesn’t complete tasks…
When your child relies on others to do things for them...
If you are questioning “What do I do about”…
Or if your child experiences any of the following:
Difficulty with Self-Care activities (dressing, feeding & utensil use)
Difficulty with participating in Fine Motor activities (coloring, handwriting, scissor use, etc.)
Difficulty with Visual Attention (not looking at a task or displaying poor eye contact with others)
Tactile Defensiveness (avoids sticky/wet textures or has behavioral outbursts during bathing/oral hygiene)
Seeking or Avoiding behaviors (purposefully crashing into people or things or avoiding loud sounds in multiple environments)
Difficulty with motor planning and/or motor coordination (prefers to watch others on the playground rather than participating in activities)
Difficulty planning, sequencing or organizing activities that involve multiple steps
Difficulty with transitions and flexibility (is unable to deal with unexpected changes in routine)
What will my child be working on in Occupational Therapy?
Every child is unique and every OT session is tailored to address your child’s specific needs. These needs may include, but are not limited to:
Fine Motor
Opening and closing containers, buttons, zippers, etc.
Self – Care (e.g., dressing, feeding/utensil use, hygiene)
Hand strength
Dexterity / Bilateral Coordination (using both hands together)
Visual Perception
Processing and organizing visual information from the environment
Sizing, spacing and/or copying written words
Hand-eye coordination
Letter Formation
Letter Sizing
Letter Spacing / Margin Adherence / Line Adherence
Pencil Grasp & Endurance
Sensory Processing
Motor Planning & Motor Coordination
Tactile Defensiveness
Seeking / Avoiding Behaviors
Safety / Body Awareness
Executive Functioning / Attention to Task
Following Directions
Organizing, planning and sequencing
Sustaining attention